Pavonian words:

uncommon words in the works of Peacock

accinge (v.)girdC.C., xviii
adhibit (v.)apply, employH.H., v
adoperation* (n.)application, useM.
agrestic (adj.)ruralM.o.E., vi
antiperistatical (adj.)contrary to surroundings, antagonisticN.A., viii
antithalian* (adj.)non-comicN.A., iv
appetency (n.)desire, propensityM.o.E., xi
assation (n.)roastingH.H., xiii
atrabilarious (adj.)melancholy, ill-temperedN.A., i
autochthonous (adj.)home-grown, aboriginalM.o.E., vi
compotatory (adj.)*of drinking togetherG.G.,
conglobated (ppl.)gathered into a ballG.G.,
conterminal (adj.)*with a common borderC.C., ix
contund (v.)pummel, pound, bruiseC.C., viii
digladiation (n.)argumentC.C., x
dyslogistic (adj.)ill-sounding, opprobriousC.C., viii
eleutherarch (n.)ruler of secret societyN.A., ii
elixion (n.)boilingH.H., xiii
exanthematous* (adj.)forming an efflorescenceM., xvi
excubant* (n.)watchful, vigilantC.C., xviii
funipendulous (adj.)hanging by a cordM.o.E., vi
hepatic (adj.)liverishM., xvi
hylactic* (adj.)yelpingG.G., vii
hyloist (n.)believer that matter is GodN.A., vii
hypæthric* (adj.)under the sky, roof-less, outdoorsRh., I. 2
hyperoxysophistical* (adj.)overly speciousN.A., viii
inficete* (adj.)unfacetious, not wittyC.C., vi
irremissible (adj.)*unredeemableN.A., ix
jeremitaylorically* (adv.)gloomilyCal., ii
kakistocracy* (n.)rule by the worstM.o.E., vi
mastigophoric* (adj.)whip-wieldingH.H., vi
meteoroscopy (n.)observation of the starsM.o.E., xiii
mirifical (adj.)wonder causingM.o.E., xii
mystagogue (n.)teacher of mystical doctrines, hierophantC.C., ii
noometry* (n.)mind measurementM.,
oenogen* gas (adj.)wine fumesM., xxxix
osseocarnisanguineoviscericartilaginonervomedullary* (adj.)bodilyH.H., vxi
osteosarchaematosplanchnochondroneuromuelous* (adj.)bodilyH.H., xi
pallescence* (adv.)palenessM.M., ii
pallescent (adj.)growing paleN.A., ix
paradoxology* (n.)instruction of paradoxical opinionN.A., viii
peirastically* (adv.)tentativelyC.C., vii
philotheoparoptesism* (n.)roasting by a slow fire for the love of godM.M., v
phlogistic (adj.)inflammatoryM., xvi
prospiscient* (adj.)foreseeing, forward-lookingM., xvi
regulators (n.)vigilantesC.C., xi
sempiternal (adj.)everlastingPa. xv. 8
tethrippharmatelasipedioploctypophilous* (adj.)four-horsed hooves-striking-ground chariot-drivingM., xix
titubancy (n.)tipsiness, unsteadinessM.o.E., xi
titubant* (adj.)tipsy, reelingM.,
unconsentaneous (adj.)*not suitedN.A., iv
vaticinate (v.)prophesyC.C., xviii
veridicous* (adj.)truthfulC.C., xviii

* coined by Peacock

C.C.Crotchet Castle
G.G.Gryll Grange
H.H.Headlong Hall
M.M.Maid Marian
M.o.E.The Misfortunes of Elphin
N.A.Nightmare Abbey
Pa."Palmyra" (1st edition)

The Thomas Love Peacock Society

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